For more than 20 years, we have been a company dedicated to marketing, packaging and distribution for hospitality and food channel of dried fruits and nuts, crisps, doughnuts, canned and tinned food, pickled foods and much more.
We have a wide variety of products with the highest quality standards.
Our goal is to offer you the best quality and service


Grupo Papilio is present in Europe and North America, highlighting:
– Spain
– Germany
– France
– United States

In Grupo Papilio we are specialists in giving you the best. Therefore, we have a wide variety of products and services for hospitality industry and individuals.

Food Channel
We currently have significant clients in the food channel, highlighting the Upper chain in Spain.
Our highly qualified sales staff is responsible for replacing and maintaining the shelf with our products in optimal conditions to help your business grow.

Retail sale
In our warehouses, we have a retail area for individuals, where you can enjoy exceptional prices and a complete sample of our products. Enjoy the quality, comfort and best prices always with the guarantee of Grupo Papilio.

Horeca Channel and Food kiosk
Our priority is the good service to our clients guaranteeing the delivery of their merchandise door to door, without barriers in minimum orders, and at no cost to them.
Logistics and sales are established depending on the distance from the client to our warehouse.

Personalised packaging
As one of our main strengths is the distribution for hospitality industry, in Grupo Papilio we offer the customer a series of distinguishing services, in addition to door to door, we can personalise the bagging or packaging of a series of products according to your brand or trade name. From dried fruits and nuts wholesale, to crisps and bakery products.

Our facilities are located in Cartagena, at Polígono Cabezo de Beaza, an important nucleus of companies and very well-connected, where those clients who would like to can purchase directly or just see our extensive catalogue of products and services first-hand.

Parking area for customers
In our facilities at Polígono Cabezo de Beaza you do not have to worry about your vehicle, we have a private parking area, as well as a loading area at no cost for shopping with maximum comfort.